Airplane flyer invented Armanul's aircraft - SaraBela Net Media
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Saturday, January 20, 2018

Airplane flyer invented Armanul's aircraft

Airplane flyer invented Armanul's aircraft

'I can also make the unmanned drone and planes of modern technology like advanced countries. It can be used to maintain law and order, traffic congestion and farming in the traffic congestion.

But he needs cooperation. '
Armanul Islam, the well-known inventor of Gopalganj, said firmly to the words. This teenager recently created the aircraft by placing the people in the area, the College Paharua of Sitarampur village under Puyishu Union of Kashiani upazila.

First year student of science department of class XI of Ramdia SK College of Armanul Kashiani. Hafizur Rahman is the only child of Samaddar. He has been working as a field worker in credit program at BRAC NGO in Mongla, Bagerhat.

From the early childhood of infant family to Armanul, the tendency is for scientific innovators. Alongside his studies, he is always busy with innovative innovative work. Kaler Kantho says, "Since childhood, I had planned to make planes.

Since then, we have tried to make small planes with Sola. From the time I was studying in the ninth grade, I decided to make a real plane. But the money was not due to the crisis. '

After getting admission in college, the family gave me Tk 12,000. Majority of his grandfather gave Hafiza Begum Enamul Haque, father of Jasia Akhtar, father of my eight-year-old investor and partner of Sitarampur High School, Jasia Akter. We started working late December. Finally, on January 8th, I made planes flying in the sky on experimental basis. It flies in the sky for about 15 minutes. '

Armanul said that the planes made by him are weighing 800 grams, 36 inches in length and 50 inches fan. Brass Les DC motor used in the plane. To control the speed of the motors, four more electric motors were attached with electric speed control. Electric speed control controls the original motor. Serb motor controls the alarine elevators and radars. A programmable remote has been added to the Seix Channel. It can now run on a range of one and a half kilometer. But using technology can increase its range. Jasia Akhtar, the inventor of Armanul, says, 'I helped her work with the importance of Armanul's brother. And finally, after flying in the sky, I feel very good. '

Armanul's mother Rehana Parvin said, "Since childhood, the boy has a tendency to create something new. During his school days, he has invented many different types of science including science and science. He got the prize. In November last year, buying a variety of aircraft from Dhaka bought a lot of things. After making the plane at home. Now the opportunity to use his innovative power will be created when the government comes forward. '

Nityananda Roy, head of the Department of Political Science, College said, "When we came to know that the boy wanted to make a plan, all the possible co-operation was made by the college to buy the necessary goods. We are proud of this innovation.

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