United Nations envoy to hear reprisals in Rohingya's face - SaraBela Net Media


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Saturday, January 20, 2018

United Nations envoy to hear reprisals in Rohingya's face

United Nations envoy to hear reprisals in Rohingya's face

Rohingyas special envoy Yang Hey Lee has heard about the abuse of Rohingyas who fled from the Rakhine state in the face of army assault-rape.

Today, at 9am, Yong Hei came to visit the Dumdimia Rohingya camp in Teknaf upazila of Cox's Bazar. After visiting there, he went to Teknaf Nature Park. To hear about the description of torture in the face of Rohingya women and men coming to displacement at the reception center.
According to the United Nations International Migration Organization (IOM), on October 25, after the attack of 30 police and army camps in Rakhine state, about eight lakh Rohingya mothers were forced to leave the army in the face of torture of the army. This trend is still going on. They are taking refuge in the refugee camps of Bangladesh on the banks of the river and seaside. There has already been a human disaster situation.

Among the Rohingyas who fled, 36 thousand 373 orphan children were identified. The latest Bangladesh has completed registration of more than ten lakh Rohingyas.
The United Nations has described this phenomenon as the "classic example of ethnic cleansing". The Buddhist majority of the country refrains from referring to the word "Rohingya" as well as not recognizing the people as their own nationals or individual ethnic groups.

However, on January 16, the agreement between Myanmar and Bangladesh joint working group will begin next week and the goal of ending the repatriation of Rohingya within two years has been fixed. Everyday 300 Rohingya will return to their own country. Myanmar government will take it into consideration whether the number can be increased after a few months. For this, a list of one lakh registered Rohingyas has been handed over to the Myanmar government by Bangladesh.

The news agency Thomson Reuters and British media said in the BBC report that a small number of Rohingyas are trying to bring some questions about the repatriation process. Their claims include making a safe area under the UN supervision before sending them back to Myanmar.

A group of Rohingyas protested against the repatriation process on Friday in a refugee camp in Cox's Bazar. Hundreds of refugees participated in this protest in a block of Kutupalong Refugee Camp. Although the local administration did not know anything about it.
Meanwhile, the United Nations special envoy visited the Camp on Saturday. Young Hey Lee reached Dhaka on Wednesday night and on Friday afternoon he came to Cox's Bazar. After reaching Ummia's Dumdemia camp, the officials of the international donor organization engaged in IOM and camps welcome him.
Witnesses said that 10 men and 10 women from Myanmar were tortured at the reception at the Nature Park reception.
Later, at around 12 noon, UN special envoy visited Naipara Rohingya camp of Teknaf upazila. About two-and-a-half-a-dozen pilgrims are expected to visit Rohingya camp.

The United Nations special envoy was due to visit Myanmar this month, but due to sanctions, he could not go there. Instead of Myanmar, Young Hey Lee visited Bangladesh. He will visit Thailand for five days on a seven-day visit to Bangladesh on Wednesday.

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