3,000 people killed in the assassination of Israeli intelligence agency Mossad - SaraBela Net Media
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Sunday, January 21, 2018

3,000 people killed in the assassination of Israeli intelligence agency Mossad

3,000 people killed in the assassination of Israeli intelligence agency Mossad

Three thousand people have been victims of this murder in the hands of Israel's notorious intelligence agency Mossad. The sensational information has been published by Israel's famous journalist and author Ronen Birigaman. Ronen Birguman wrote a book titled 'Shayya war' with Mossad. This shows sensitive information about the crimes committed by Mossad in the outskirts of the city. All history of secret assassinations of Mossad brought public

In the book, Birghuman wrote, not only the people who were killed in the dead but also those innocent people who were found in wrong times or in the wrong place were also killed.

Birguman said that the instruction of the target killings was issued when Palestine became the second Intifada. Among the targets, 5 are members of the Palestinian resistance organization Hamas.

Birguman also said that he had talked with about a thousand people for his book. Of whom six are Mossad chief, 6 are Israeli prime ministers Ehud Barak and current Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

Note that on Monday, Germany's famous Magazine 'Dare Spagal' will publish Birgunan's book in the market.

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