Shakib-Apu is not facing it - SaraBela Net Media


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Monday, January 8, 2018

Shakib-Apu is not facing it

Shakib-Apu is not facing it

Talking about the matter, on January 15, Shakib-Apu will face a compromise meeting. In the end, that prospect became feasible. Because Shakib is busy overseas with the schedule for film work, Shakib Currently he is in Bangkok. There, along with Bubli, participating in the scene of Uttam Akash's Chitagenga Poya Noakhailya Maiya. After finishing the work, the bank will take part in the filming of 'I Leader Hbo', another picture of Uttam Akash with Vidya Sinha Meem. January to end of the two months of work will be almost finished. As a result, the meeting of the city corporation's court in Shakib-Apu's meeting called for compromise was almost uncertain. Shakib's close source says that these films have been given a lot of schedule long before the actress has given it. Now if he is to join the meeting then he will have to be punished. And then the producers will face huge financial loss. Which Shakib Khan does not want. According to the law, the City Corporation will take the following steps, according to the law. According to Family Court sources in city corporation, if any party asks for divorce, the court's job is to try to reconcile both of them in the 90 days three times. If you do not compromise, divorce will be effective naturally. There is no time to extend time here.

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