Myanmar wants evidence of ethnic killings-জাতিগত নিধনের প্রমাণ চায় মিয়ানমার - SaraBela Net Media


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Saturday, March 10, 2018

Myanmar wants evidence of ethnic killings-জাতিগত নিধনের প্রমাণ চায় মিয়ানমার

Myanmar wants evidence of ethnic killings-জাতিগত নিধনের প্রমাণ চায় মিয়ানমার
The Myanmar government has sought clear evidence against Myanmar's Rakhine for racially abuses and genocide allegations, saying it is 'awful'. In response to a question from journalists in Geneva, Myanmar's National Security Advisor Thong Tun asked the evidence. News Reuters.
In front of the journalists, he said that most of the Muslim community in Rakhine is still living there. If there were genocide, then they would all run away. He further said, the allegations of ethnic killings and genocide are very serious and should not be taken lightly. Before deciding whether there has been ethnic killings and genocide, we should actually see what has happened there. Even though the Myanmar government is not giving the opportunity to see it. Even they did not even allow the United Nations investigation team to enter Rakhine. Tun said further that refugees fleeing Rakhine want to return Myanmar government and they will be given proper security and respect. The government does not want them to be out of the country.
Of the 30 million inhabitants of Rakhine, very few emigrated. Tune said, we will welcome the refugees who flee Myanmar and we will welcome them. But they have to go through a process. They will not get the same citizenship. Army operations began in Rakhine Police post and terrorist attack in the army base in late August last year. In the last six months, around 7.5 million Rohingyas fled the homes and took shelter in Bangladesh. In the past more than two hundred Rohingya refugees entered Bangladesh.
A recent report by Burmese influential media, Irabati, said 90 percent of Rakhine's Rohingya population fled. UN Human Rights Chief Jed Rad al-Hussein said on Wednesday, the Myanmar army expressed its grief over the publication of the investigation report even after the allegations surrounding the Rakhine military campaign. I firmly believe that there was genocide.
On the other hand Human Rights Watch (HRW) has alleged that deserted Rohingya villages are being mixed with soil by bulldozers. However, the Myanmar government claimed that as part of the rehabilitation process, they carried bulldozer to the villages.
Myanmar adviser claimed that a large part of the Muslims fled. Because, armed groups of the Arakan Rohingya Salvation Army (Aresa) have threatened them. Thaong Tun complained that members of the Aresa were forced to attack the security forces by forcecing the villagers. Her accusation, Arsas ran away with the terracotta policy and burned the village.

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